2013 German Grand Prix - Event 5 - Finishes


Finish Name Matches won Frames won Centuries Points Prize money
Winner Germany Sascha Lippe 6 21 (70%) of 30 0 0 0
Final Germany Jürgen Kesseler 5 19 (57.58%) of 33 0 0 0
Semi-final Germany Andre Lackner 6 17 (77.27%) of 22 0 0 0
Semi-final Germany Lukas Kleckers 4 15 (62.5%) of 24 0 0 0
Quarter-final Afghanistan Ali Ismail 5 14 (70%) of 20 0 0 0
Quarter-final Germany Jan Eisenstein 4 13 (81.25%) of 16 0 0 0
Quarter-final Germany Marco Weber 4 12 (70.59%) of 17 0 0 0
Quarter-final Germany Miro Popovic 3 13 (65%) of 20 0 0 0
Last 16 Germany Roman Dietzel 3 11 (64.71%) of 17 0 0 0
Last 16 Germany Robin Otto 3 11 (64.71%) of 17 0 0 0
Last 16 Belgium Jacob Stacha 3 11 (64.71%) of 17 0 0 0
Last 16 Belarus Wladimir Ponomarenko 3 10 (62.5%) of 16 0 0 0
Last 16 Germany Sascha Schill 3 8 (57.14%) of 14 0 0 0
Last 16 Germany Felix Frede 3 7 (53.85%) of 13 0 0 0
Last 16 Netherlands Maurice Le Duc 2 9 (56.25%) of 16 0 0 0
Last 16 Thailand Prasit Buttakham 2 6 (42.86%) of 14 0 0 0
Last 32 Germany Kevin Schejock 3 6 (60%) of 10 0 0 0
Last 32 Germany Simon Lichtenberg 2 7 (63.64%) of 11 0 0 0
Last 32 Germany Mike Becher 2 7 (58.33%) of 12 0 0 0
Last 32 Germany Ramzi Ben Ghaffar 2 6 (54.55%) of 11 0 0 0
Last 32 Germany Patrick Dauscher 2 6 (54.55%) of 11 0 0 0
Last 32 Germany Jörg Schneidewindt 2 6 (50%) of 12 0 0 0
Last 32 Germany Sascha Breuer 2 5 (45.45%) of 11 0 0 0
Last 32 Germany Hartmud Lamprecht 2 4 (40%) of 10 0 0 0
Last 32 Germany Julian Matthias 2 4 (40%) of 10 0 0 0
Last 32 Germany Florian Stiefenhofer 1 7 (50%) of 14 0 0 0
Last 32 Germany Davut Dikme 1 6 (42.86%) of 14 0 0 0
Last 32 Germany Dirk Kunze 1 5 (41.67%) of 12 0 0 0
Last 32 Germany Hajo Meyer 1 5 (41.67%) of 12 0 0 0
Last 32 Germany Dennis Rothaug 1 5 (41.67%) of 12 0 0 0
Last 32 Germany Salman Payam 1 5 (38.46%) of 13 0 0 0
Last 32 Germany Stephanus Klitzke 1 3 (30%) of 10 0 0 0
Group 16 Germany Armin Sturani 1 3 (42.86%) of 7 0 0 0
Group 16 Germany Ralf Schlegel 0 1 (14.29%) of 7 0 0 0
Group 15 Germany Jiaming Zhang 2 4 (57.14%) of 7 0 0 0
Group 15 Germany Jürgen Wolff 0 1 (14.29%) of 7 0 0 0
Group 14 Germany Reinhard Kuth 1 4 (50%) of 8 0 0 0
Group 14 Germany Umut Dikme 0 0 (0%) of 6 0 0 0
Group 13 England Marc Schöniger 1 3 (42.86%) of 7 0 0 0
Group 13 Germany Jan Sturm 0 0 (0%) of 6 0 0 0
Group 12 Germany Stefan Dohr 1 4 (44.44%) of 9 0 0 0
Group 11 Germany Lars Wellmann 0 2 (25%) of 8 0 0 0
Group 10 Germany Tobias Friedrichs 0 1 (14.29%) of 7 0 0 0
Group 9 Germany Manfred Germer 0 0 (0%) of 6 0 0 0
Group 8 Germany Moritz Thomas 0 3 (33.33%) of 9 0 0 0
Group 7 Germany Fabian Tost 0 1 (14.29%) of 7 0 0 0
Group 6 Germany Wolfgang Frey 0 1 (14.29%) of 7 0 0 0
Group 5 Germany William Frey 0 2 (25%) of 8 0 0 0
Group 4 Germany Sabine Brand 0 1 (14.29%) of 7 0 0 0
Group 3 Germany Ronni Beniesch 0 0 (0%) of 6 0 0 0
Group 2 Germany Rolf Mahr 0 0 (0%) of 6 0 0 0
Group 1 Germany David Aronis 0 2 (25%) of 8 0 0 0


High Break Prize (GBP)


Name Break