The Crucible - Statistics

This page lists all stats pages related to the World Championship at the Crucible available on CueTracker.
A lot of these stats are also available for different scopes, for example All-time, per season etc.
Please click Statistics in the menu at the top to see all stats!
Matches & Frames
Matches Won
Top players of all time, based on matchwins.
Frames Won
Top players of all time, based on frame wins.
Highest Match-Win Percentage
Top players based on matchwin percentage, matches played, where you can enter a minimum amount of matches played to be counted.
Most Meetings in Round
Most meetings in a specific round between players.
Greatest Winning Margin
Top players based on the amount of frames more won versus the frames won by their opponents.
First Match in Tournament
Players organized by amount of first matches in tournaments won.
Most Frequent Scoreline
Most frequently occuring scoreline in a match.
Most deciding frames won, over all-time.
Deciders per Match Type
Most deciders out of matches played per match round or best-of.
Most matches played/won without the opponent winning a frame.
Most Matches Won to Qualify for the Crucible
Most matches won by a player to qualify for the Crucible.
Prize Money
Prize Money Won
Most prize money earned by a player.
Most From Single Tournament
Most prize money earned in a single tournament by all players.
Most Earned From Winners' Prize
Highest amount earned from tournament winners' prize money alone.
Most Earned From High Break Prize
Most prize money won by a player in the form of high break prizes.
Highest Winners' Prize
Highest winners' prize in tournament.
Largest Prize Fund
Largest prize fund for a single tournament.
Average per Tournament
Average prize money earned by a player per tournament played.
Average per Match
Average prize money earned by a player per match played.
Average per Frame
Average prize money earned by a player per frame played.
Most Centuries Made
Most centuries made by a player.
Most Maximums (147s) Made
Most maximum 147 breaks made by a player.
Average Century Break Size
Average size of century made by a player.
Most Centuries per Break
Most centuries of a certain size made by a player.
Centuries per 147
Number of centuries made per 147.
Most In Tournament By One Player
Most centuries made in a single tournament by a player.
Most In Tournament Overall
Most centuries made in a single tournament by all players.
Most In Match By One Player
Most centuries made in a single match by a player.
Most In Match By Both Players
Most centuries made in a single match by both players.
Player Frames per Century Rate
Amount of frames a player plays per century they make.
Match Frames per Century Rate
Amount of frames played per century in a match.
Tournament Frames per Century Rate
Amount of frames played per centuryin a tournament.
Average per Match
Average centuries made per match by a player.
Players Highest Break
Highest century break made by a player.
Highest Break
Highest break in tournament.
Most Against
Most centuries made by opponents.
Most often made centuries.
Titles Won
Most titles won by a player.
Tournament History
All editions and winners of tournaments listed.
Tournaments Sponsored
Most tournaments sponsored by a company.
Tournaments Played In
Most tournaments played in by a player.
Most Player Nationalities
Most different player nationalities in a tournament.
Points & Breaks
Points Scored For & Against
Most points scored by and against a player.
Average Points Scored Per Frame
Average points scored in a frame by and against a player.
Most & Least Points In a Match
The highest and lowest amount of points scored by a player in a single match.
Number of 50-Plus Breaks
The amount of 50-plus breaks, divided per group (50s, 60s etc.) and total, made by a player.