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Current tournament: China 2024 Xi'an Grand Prix (qualifying)
Birthday(s) today: England Alex Davies (37), England Adam Davies (37), China Ma Tingpeng (33), England Steve Longworth (76), Mark Bell (44)
Latest update: July 26th 2024 23:48 CET
Latest feature additions:
10-01: New page: Average Shot Time
Status Tournaments Matches Frames Centuries Prize Money
Professional 1,278 115,967 858,233 34,576 254,287,854
Non-Professional 4,827 188,378 780,476 5,164 1,705,354
Total 6,105 304,345 1,638,709 39,740 255,993,208
Players Top 8 - All time Professional Matchwins
1 Scotland John Higgins 1311 (69.37%) of 1890 matches won
2 Wales Mark Williams 1171 (64.38%) of 1819 matches won
3 England Ronnie O'Sullivan 1144 (74.82%) of 1529 matches won
4 England Mark Selby 1059 (67.75%) of 1563 matches won
5 England Judd Trump 1028 (71.14%) of 1445 matches won
6 England Stuart Bingham 934 (62.06%) of 1505 matches won
7 England Steve Davis 926 (63.38%) of 1461 matches won
8 Scotland Stephen Hendry 891 (68.07%) of 1309 matches won
Latest Matches
07-26 23:48 Wales Daniel Wells 5-4 England Ali Carter
07-26 23:33 England Ricky Walden 5-3 Wales Liam Davies
07-26 23:33 England David Lilley 5-3 England Louis Heathcote
07-26 23:33 England Matthew Selt 5-2 England Ian Burns
07-26 22:27 Wales Mark Williams 5-0 Scotland Liam Graham
07-26 22:27 England Barry Hawkins 5-1 India Kreishh Gurbaxani
07-26 19:53 Wales Jak Jones 5-4 Northern Ireland Robbie Mcguigan
07-26 19:50 England Joe O'Connor 5-3 Wales Duane Jones
Latest Tournaments
China 2024 Xi'an Grand Prix (Added July 25th 2024)
Australia 2024 Australian Womens Championship (Added July 22nd 2024)
United Arab Emirates 2024 Q Tour Middle East - Event 2 (Added July 19th 2024)
New Zealand 2024 New Zealand Amateur Championship (Added July 19th 2024)
China 2024 Shanghai Masters (Added July 14th 2024)
New Zealand 2024 New Zealand Womens Championship (Added July 6th 2024)
England 2024 Pink Ribbon (Added July 5th 2024)
Saudi Arabia 2024 Asian Championship - Ladies (Added June 30th 2024)

My goal with this site is to provide a complete database of all professional, and otherwise globally significant snooker competition. This database contains records of every professional tournament since 1908 and lists 26,169 players.

All lists are dynamic, meaning they are automatically updated and expanded as data is added to the database. Everything which is BLUE is clickable, so feel free to click around and find all the statistics you may be looking for!

While I do my best to keep the site complete and accurate, mistakes or omissions may slip in. NOTE: Currently, the site does not list team events, but this is being worked on.

The system used for this site is completely custom-designed and coded by myself. I'm grateful to have the help of Kai Maaß on the amateur events. If you have any suggestions, comments, criticisms or if you spot a mistake, please feel free to Contact me