1963 Welsh Amateur Championship - Finishes


Finish Name Matches won Frames won Centuries Points Prize money
Winner Wales Des Meredith 3 14 (63.64%) of 22 0 0 0
Final Wales John Price 0 2 (25%) of 8 0 0 0
Semi-final Wales Aubrey Kemp 1 4 (66.67%) of 6 0 0 0
Semi-final Wales Bob Berryman 1 7 (50%) of 14 0 0 0
Quarter-final Wales Mario Berni 0 3 (42.86%) of 7 0 0 0
Quarter-final Wales Philip Morris 0 3 (42.86%) of 7 0 0 0
Quarter-final Wales John Ford 0 2 (33.33%) of 6 0 0 0


High Break Prize (GBP)


Name Break