2025 French Under-18 Championship - Finishes


Finish Name Matches won Frames won Centuries Points Prize money
Winner France Mateo Ochoiski 3 7 (100%) of 7 0 0 0
Final France Malo Dory Geffroy 1 2 (40%) of 5 0 0 0
Semi-final France Arthur Crespin 1 2 (50%) of 4 0 0 0
Semi-final France Mathieu Marchal 1 2 (50%) of 4 0 0 0
Quarter-final France Enzo Malmonte 0 0 (0%) of 2 0 0 0
Quarter-final France Robin Moretau 0 0 (0%) of 2 0 0 0
Quarter-final France Pierre Rodet 0 0 (0%) of 2 0 0 0
Withdrew France Yvann Hoarau 0 0 0 0 0


High Break Prize (GBP)


Name Break