Most & Least Points In A Match - Decade 1910-1919 - Professional


The highest and lowest amount of points scored by a player in a single match.
These stats can only be calculated for matches with frame scores listed. The stat on this specific page is based on 28 (100%) matches with frame scores out of 28 total matches.
Rank Player Highest Lowest Difference
<img src="/img/blank.gif" class="flag flag-england" alt="England" /> <a href="">Cecil Harverson</a> 0 0 0
<img src="/img/blank.gif" class="flag flag-england" alt="England" /> <a href="">Harry Stevenson</a> 0 0 0
<img src="/img/blank.gif" class="flag flag-england" alt="England" /> <a href="">Tom Reece</a> 0 0 0
<img src="/img/blank.gif" class="flag flag-england" alt="England" /> <a href="">Edward Diggle</a> 0 0 0
<img src="/img/blank.gif" class="flag flag-england" alt="England" /> <a href="">Melbourne Inman</a> 0 0 0
<img src="/img/blank.gif" class="flag flag-au" alt="Australia" /> <a href="">Frank Smith Jnr</a> 0 0 0